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Before entering into an insolvency arrangement it is
important to have the value of the business and assets
assessed in order that sensible and informed decisions
can be made.

It is crucial that this work is done as early as possible while
the directors and shareholders still maintain control. 


Once an insolvency event commences, control may lay with the major
creditor or a creditor committee. So called “Pre-Pack” administrations
are also vulnerable to accusations of a transfer at an “undervalue” and
should be supported by an Independent Valuation at all times.

Typically, AMCO would make an initial assessment of the company’s
physical and intangible assets in order to generate a prospectus to be
circulated on a confidential basis to likely buyers. 


Image by Giorgio Trovato
Upward Curve

30+ years of Valuation experience means that AMCO are able to establish
and subsequently reach the target market using a variety of promotional
tools dependent on the situation.

AMCO can manage the enquiries, accompany viewings as appropriate
and manage requests for further information, through to negotiating a
successful sale.

In the event that a sale cannot be made in the timescale available AMCO
are able to manage a piecemeal disposal of the company’s assets
aiming to maximise the financial recovery. Our detailed investigation of
the assets will put us in a unique position to market the assets quickly.

We work closely with a number of Insolvency Practices and financial
service providers and in most cases would be able to direct you towards
an expert that can deal effectively with your situation. 

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